Invest in an Equity Portfolio as per Your Investment Needs
Investing in equity with a sum of money helps to build a portfolio of stocks. This will help investors to create a group of stocks and diversify stocks into different industries or different sets of companies.
Invest as Equity Stocks in Sip Mode
Stock SIP is a straightforward method of investing in stocks. It enables investors to buy equities on a regular basis in a methodical, quantity-based way (weekly, monthly, etc.). For long-term investors, it is an effective investment approach. Invest in equity stocks in SIP mode!
Benefits of Investing in Equity
Knowing your risk tolerance and balancing the level of risk involved in your assets is essential while investing. Equity has excellent potential for enhancing profits. You must, however, be prepared to assume the necessary risk, which can be anywhere from moderate to high.
- Anytime liquidity
- Wealth creation for long term
- Inflation beating returns
- Dividends and capital appreciation
- Complete transparency
Features of Equity Investing
Most liquid and transparent asset class for wealth creation.
Opportunity to earn a dividend as per company profit
Gain on capital appreciation over a period of time
One of the best taxes on capital growth
We Offer
Pentad is an equity trading and investment platform to help both beginners and experienced daily traders and long term investors to buy & sell Equities, with expert insights and live updates.
Equity investment durations are adjusted based on an individual's age, goal and requirements. We suggest the best available option.
Provides continuous monitoring, on the equity market updates, and the client's performance and preferences, to switch between investment options available.
We provide several assistance like financial protection, future goal oriented savings, retirement life fund management and related advisory services.